Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Process

     I realize up until this point I have left you with no inclination as to how the Wycliffe Associates process of Bible Translation functions or what I do specifically. Let me remedy this.

     The Bible translation process is nine steps long to assure accuracy in the translation. It is not a quick process by any means.  To work through all of the steps could potentially take months or years for each book of the Bible. 

The steps are:
  • Create a recourse which is not under copyright so that it can be used without license.
  •  Have this edited, re-edited, crowd sourced, and  published (this is at
  •  Provide this to missionaries and Mother Tongue Translators (MTTs) via the website, or mobile application called “Translation Studio” which is available for IOS and Android.
  • The missionaries work with the MTTs to draft the books of the Bible (This is where MAST programs fit in).
  • These drafts are then edited by local language speakers for readability and being understandable.
  •  More missionaries meet with the MTTs and go through “comprehension” questions with them to assure that the new translation contains all necessary information in order to make sure it is an accurate Bible translation and not simply a paraphrase, or commentary on the Bible.
  • It is then edited again, and re-tested for readability and making sure it comes across understandably.
  • It is then edited once again and formatted for publishing.

     Where do I fit into these steps from my computer desk in Wisconsin? The first two steps! I manage a team of individuals who are working tirelessly to create this resource for the MTTs to use. I go through each book of the Bible and determine what words or phrases need to be defined, and then content is written for those terms. These words and phrases could be anything from “propitiation” as used in 1 John, to “Darius” from the history books of the Old Testament. There are hundreds and hundreds of them.  It is no small task and it is a task which is necessary so that when a translator comes across a word they need to know they have a definition and biblical use of it in order to properly translate it into their own language.

     If you would like to, or feel led by the Spirit to contribute financially to help me be able to maintain constant devotion to this work I have been entrusted, please click here.  Above all, pray.  Prayer changes lives.  Changed lives change the world.

Or send checks with my ministry account number M10826  ON A SEPARATE PAGE ATTACHED TO THE CHECK payable to: 

Wycliffe Associates 
11450 Translation Way
P.O.Box 620143
Orlando, FL 32862

In the name of Him who saves, always,

Andrew J. Belcher 

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