Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Anthropology and Idiom

     What is anthropology? Anthropology is the study of people, of human beings and their culture and relationships. This includes, but is obviously not limited to, languages. But not just the words that are used but also the expressions, figures of speech, etc. We all have them. Idioms run rampant throughout English to the point that we do not even recognize that they are being used the majority of the time.  For example if I said “get your head out of the clouds” I hope we could recognize that as an idiomatic expression. Someone’s head is not actually “in the clouds” it is a figure of speech. But, what if I said “well, the ball’s in your court,” would we immediately recognize that that is also idiomatic? Every language has them and they most often do not translate into other languages with the same meaning. This is a huge part of linguistic anthropology.

     The former way of doing Bible translation which is still being done today and is highly valuable in terms of relationships and accuracy of translation is using a linguistic anthropologist. This scientist would be trained as a missionary, funded, and sent to a remote location. They would then spend years upon years learn the language, culture AND IDIOMS of the language before even beginning to translate the Bible.

     Who knows a language better, a scientist from another country who is trying to learn it, or someone who was born into and grew up speaking and using it? The answer here is obvious. Therefore, who would be better at translating the Bible into that particular language? Again, an obvious answer! This is the new method of Bible translation.

     I, along with many other people, work together to create a non-copyright resource to send to remote areas so that the indigenous (we call them MTTS or Mother Tongue Translators) can translate the Bible into THEIR OWN LANGUAGE!  Their heart language! Two things happen when we use this method, 1) the Bible gets translated much, much faster, and 2) it is much, MUCH more culturally accurate. Therefore quickly created a more usable and readable Bible for those particular people! It’s great!

     Please pray for these MTTs around the world currently working on their Bibles and pray that the Lord will bless their efforts and assist them as they move forward!
     Pray also for me as I am creating tools and resources for these MTTs that I would be able to provide everything necessary and provide it effectively.

In Christ, and Christ alone,

Andrew J. Belcher 

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