Friday, October 16, 2015


It's Time to Move Faster! 

    Mobilizing Assistance and Supporting Translation or MAST programs have begun! What is MAST you ask? It is in laymen's terms the single fastest and most inexpensive way to effectively and accurately draft a new translation of biblical books!

     MAST programs consist of a team of missionaries meeting a group of national church leaders and Christians on their turf, in their country, speaking their language.

     For the following week or two weeks after this team lands there is tireless work plowing through as much of the Bible as they possibly can drafting it into their own language.  The team of missionaries is there to assist and support as per the title MAST. They ask questions, such as “why do you use this word as opposed to this word?” and comprehension questions like this to help the translators work more effectively.

     As opposed to the incredibly high cost of translations previously, MAST programs only cost $19,500 to provide an entire New Testament draft to a people group and language who have never before read the words of the Bible.  What an incredible feeling that would be to create an entire New Testament in a language that has never before read the Bible in their own native tongue. 

     What is the most incredible part about this accelerated program? So far in 2015 Wycliffe Associates has had the opportunity and resources to perform several trips around the world! Perhaps not every one of them finished drafting entire books of the Bible, but at least started.  That means more Bibles beginning!   WOW!

     Perhaps you could pray for the MAST programs? Perhaps you could give a $19,500 donation to provide a New Testament draft to a language that needs one? Perhaps you could give a portion of that funding?

     Whatever you have to ability to provide through finances or through prayer, please do it! The time is now, we have no time to waste when it comes to people living without the light of the Word of God!

In the name of He who saves,

Andrew J. Belcher 

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