Monday, October 12, 2015

A Heartfelt Thank You

     I just wanted to take the time today to say thank you. Thank you to the Lord for allowing this ministry opportunity to be presented to me all those many months ago; and for the perseverance and diligence to keep going and move forward.  Thank you to the Lord also for allowing His Bible to be going out into all the world making disciples of every nation faster than any other point in history.

     Taking time to thank God is one thing.  It is important don’t misunderstand me, it is most important. Without Him there would be no Wycliffe Associates or Bible translation ministry at all. It is another thing entirely to take the time to thank each and every one of you who are reading this. By reading this you are becoming more educated about the need for Bible translation and more impassioned to participate and do something about it.

     Thank you to all of those who are a part of my financial support team (which anyone can be a part of) it is due to the generous giving that you do which allows me to be a full time participant in creating the resources we use to help translate the Bible. You are invaluable and nothing would be the same without you. The funds that you consistently send each month do not just help me to be able to dedicate my time to this mission, but they transfer directly to verses of the Bible becoming accessible to indigenous people who have never read the Bible before! 

     Thank you to those who are praying. Because of the cross of Jesus, when we pray our words are drenched in the holy, righteous blood of our Savior. They are holy words. They are words which go directly to God and are a pleasing aroma to Him. Lifting up the ministry of Bible Translation and me as a translation missionary is the one thing that causes the most change in the world. Nations are won through the power of prayer. Bibles are translated through the power of prayer. I am empowered and given physical perseverance in this tiresome and tedious mission through the power of prayer.  So, thank you for praying. You are the church of Christ, and His church is a praying church! 

Again, In Him Alone,

Andrew J. Belcher 

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