Monday, October 5, 2015

Heart Language


     A heart language is an interesting thing. Have you ever realized that everyone has one language, typically your first language that they understand more of, they understand the idioms and figures of speech, and it is a language that to them is like home. These heart languages serve as a reminder of who they are and what it means to be unique from the rest of the world.

     People sin consistently, fact. We can be honest here and admit openly that if we stub our toe on the coffee table we may sin. It may not be verbal, perhaps only in your mind.  A thought may run through our mind that is not the most holy of words. What language is that in? If you live in the backwoods of West Virginia is that sinful word or thought going to be in Mandarin or Afrikaans? Of course not, it will be in English and to be more specific, the particular dialect and regional style of English. This is the language we sin in, our heart language.

     Everyone around the world has a language that they sin in. This is their heart language. Here is the difference. In the backwoods of West Virginia you have the access and opportunity to read the Holy Bible, the book given by God to help us to not sin any longer, in the very same language you sin in!
There are thousands upon thousands of people around the globe that do not have this privilege. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone on Earth could learn to be holy in the same tongue that they commit sinfulness in? This is the essence of heart language Bible translation.

     Wouldn't it make the Lord sing if whenever his people throughout the world called upon his name for answers about how to live the life he has given them they could receive an answer from God in their own language? The Bible is the primary way the Lord speaks to his bride. God's word is the tool he uses to answer the questions of aching people. 

Hit your knees (physically or spiritually) and pray for the Bible to be translated into more heart languages than ever before!

In his name always,

Andrew J. Belcher

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