Prayer Requests

These are just a few things that you can be praying for specifically as we walk together through this road of translating Every Verse into Every Tongue to reach Every Heart.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God  --Philippians 4:6
Please pray:

  • That the Word of God will be translated into more languages than ever before.
  • For my team as we work diligently to define difficult to understand terms in the Bible.
  • More missionaries would step up and follow the call of the Lord on their lives.
  • For more monthly financial support.
  • For pastors throughout the world to be fervent in prayer as they shepherd with the Word.
  • For continued stamina and foresight for the Wycliffe Associates executives as they lead.
  • That each and every Bible translation project that is being started. 
  • We have speed as we work on each project.
  • For the remaining more than 3000 languages that do not have the Bible in their own tongue. 

Thank you so much for entering into the Throne room of Grace boldly with these requests.  Your prayers are changing the culture of the world. They are directly affecting souls for the Lord.

Keep it up the Lord is faithful!

Part of my privilege as a missionary, working for the church, is to lift up the Bride of Christ is prayer. If you have any requests that you would like prayer for, please send me an email and let me have the honor of praying with you! 

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