Today is an update day. It has been one month since this blog has started, and what a month it has been! I have learned so much about running a blog and about marketing in general. Thank you all very much for reading consistently and praying fervently for the work of Bible translation which has been entrusted to the church.

In the African country of Cameroon is moving quickly as they overcome physical and spiritual obstacles in press forward in translating their translation of the Word of God.
At our main offices in Orlando there are constantly week long or two week long workshops diligently taking steps of faith to translate into gateway languages. These, of course, are the languages that make it far easier to move into indigenous languages and dialects around the world. These languages include Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Vietnamese, French, Italian, etc.
I am personally working to get close to the Hmong community living here in the Fox Valley of Wisconsin. In the 1970's Appleton and the surrounding cities became the worlds foremost locale for Hmong immigrants, specifically Hmong people from Thailand and Vietnam. I am attempting to build relationships and trust with the community leaders here with the intention of drawing them close to assist in translating in to Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Thai depending on where the particular Hmong community originates. It is such a wonderful thing to be able to work as a missionary domestically yet, still be involved absolutely in cross-cultural and international ministry.
Speaking of being a stateside missionary let me give you an update about my support raising goal for the end of the year. It has been an exciting month and the Lord has shown his faithfulness more and more which pushes me towards him in a ferocious way.
My end of year support goal is $750.00 of MONTHLY financial support. This is such an attainable goal church! It is 75 people at only $10 per month. Only 38 people at $20 per month. 15 people at $50 per month. it's ONLY 7 and a half people at $100 per month. Do you see how attainable this really is? This could happen instantly is the church would ban around the mission of accelerating Bible translation.
My goal for the end of the year is $750.00 per month and I have received in the last month already $145 in monthly support! Praise the Lord for who he is and all that he does for his workers! Bride of Christ, you are doing such a wonderful job of partnering in ministry and pressing forward in this work of placing the Bible into the hands of all people of every tongue! Bless you.
Let us complete this goal friends. We can all spare $10 per month. That's 30 cents a day. It is SO easy to sign up for monthly commitments. Get together with your spouse, your parents, whomever you make financial decisions with and decide of a 12 month period how much you are willing to donate (and get tax receipts for) divide that by 12 and that's your monthly support! EASY!
Click Here to Sign Up!
Or send checks with my ministry account number M10826 ON A SEPARATE PAGE ATTACHED TO THE CHECK payable to:
Thank you all so very much for your willingness to be a part of this ministry. It is vital. It is life giving. It is literally life or death for still over 3000 languages around the world. Let us join together to bring Jesus to them all!
In His name,
Andrew J. Belcher