And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
--Luke 2:52

In addition to his physical maturation a spiritual maturation also took place in the life of Christ. By saying he grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man Luke is telling us that both the physicality of Jesus increased and grew as well as his faith, knowledge of God and spirituality.
Scholars will argue backwards and forwards about the "missing years" of Jesus' life because we know about his birth and consecration, a brief look at him in adolescence and the next we know he's approaching middle age and already going out to minister. Regardless of the "missing years" this is such an important bit of information that Luke gives us. It gives us true hope that the writer of Hebrews is accurate when he states "One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin." Growing up in this world introduces much to our lives that we are unsure of and can beget much temptation. It is such an encouragement to know that Jesus did not come into this world perfectly mature, and that he grew up in every way as we do.
As we go about our lives let us remember that we are in the midst of a process. The Lord is constantly producing in us holiness and spirituality when we walk in his ways. This is a part of growing up. We partake in the same maturation process spiritually as Jesus did which is such a wonderful encouragement!
In His saving name,
Andrew J. Belcher
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