Tuesday, November 24, 2015


We have just less than 40 days left in the year of 2015. It has been a year of surprises, disappointments, pain, joy, and seeing the Lord’s faithfulness more than ever before. Matthew 6 speaks about the out God taking care of us more than anything else in creation and Kayla and I have seen that to be true without exception and without end especially this year. 

Living the life of a support raising missionary is by no means easy. My work week is divided, in part, by the need to work on the assignments and projects I am presently on; along with the reality that we must raise support in order to live in this world. It is a frustrating place to be, but because of it we are able to rely so fully and completely on the sovereign faithfulness of our precious Lord.

We are currently in an end of year period attempting to raise as much monthly support as possible by the end of the calendar year! 40 days is not a whole lot of time, but it is MORE than enough time for our great God to perform the miracle needed in our support.

Due to this end of year push I have decided to run my own “Kickstarter” type campaign! The reason it is here rather than actually on Kickstarter is so that 1) the support goes through Wycliffe Associates for our benefit. And 2) you can get a tax receipt by donating to a fully recognized Non-Profit!

One time, lump sum gifts are wonderful, spectacular, and fantastic. However, recurring, monthly gifts are of most importance and most benefit. I will never snuff my nose at someone desiring to give once to the cause of Bible translation, but I will always encourage them to split that sum up into monthly installments so that their donation has longevity rather than merely altitude.

We are going to shoot to the moon with this “Kickstarter” campaign and go for full support which we have not had for the last 14 months.

CAMPAIGN: $3200.00 per month.

It would take up far too much room on this post to explain the unique and rather complicated position that I hold at Wycliffe Associates, but you can CLICK HERE to read all about what it is that I do. In a nut shell I work with a team of skilled individuals working from original language texts in order to create a resource, a tool, to make Bible translation easier, faster, and more efficient.

This is somewhat of a complicated question. Kayla and I  (and our baby due in June) live in Appleton, Wisconsin. We are full-time domestic stateside missionaries. That being said we are held to the same type of taxation and IRS requirements as anyone else is that makes income in the US. The money you donate goes directly into my “Ministry account” which in turn goes to 1) my semi-monthly paychecks because we have to be able to live, 2) promotional materials to assist in more effectively spreading the word about Bible translation because the more people that know the more that can happen, and 3) build up in my “ministry account” so at such time as there is enough I can travel internationally and assist with MAST trips.

These figures represent MONTHLY RECURRING donations.

  • ·         A hand written thank you card from Kayla and me.
  • ·         Automatically added to my mailing list for periodic updates throughout the year.

  • ·         A hand written thank you card from Kayla and I.
  • ·         Automatically added to my mailing list for periodic updates throughout the year.
  • ·         A PDF copy of my first book: Renewal. A month long devotional about spiritual restoration.

  • ·         A hand written thank you card from Kayla and I.
  • ·         Automatically added to my mailing list for periodic updates throughout the year.
  • ·         A PDF copy of my first book: Renewal. A month long devotional about spiritual restoration.
  • ·         A paper back copy of my new book (which is currently in the editing stage) called “The Two Roads.” It is a partially straightforward, partially allegorical look at 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

  • ·         A hand written thank you card from Kayla and I.
  • ·         Automatically added to my mailing list for periodic updates throughout the year.
  • ·         A PDF copy of my first book: Renewal. A month long devotional about spiritual restoration.
  • ·         A paper back copy of my new book (which is currently in the editing stage) called “The Two Roads.” It is a partially straightforward, partially allegorical look at 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
  • ·         Free promotional material to help you church learn and grow in the ministry of Bible translation.

  • ·         A hand written thank you card from Kayla and I.
  • ·         Automatically added to my mailing list for periodic updates throughout the year.
  • ·         A PDF copy of my first book: Renewal. A month long devotional about spiritual restoration.
  • ·         A paper back copy of my new book (which is currently in the editing stage) called “The Two Roads.” It is a partially straightforward, partially allegorical look at 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
  • ·         Free promotional material to help you church learn and grow in the ministry of Bible translation.
  • ·         I will personally  visit you and/or your church anywhere in the lower 48 states to discuss, present, encourage about Bible translation and international mission.

It may get super annoying, but until the end of the year I am going to keep this website updated about the progress of this campaign so that you, my partners, can see where we on in this miracle of the Lord’s work! It will be an exciting month ahead!

There are two ways to sign up for monthly donations. 

The easiest is to CLICK HERE and use your credit or debit card. It is fast, easy, and painless!

Or send checks with my ministry account number M10826  ON A SEPARATE PAGE ATTACHED TO THE CHECK payable to: 

Wycliffe Associates 
11450 Translation Way
P.O.Box 620143
Orlando, FL 32862

Let's make this happen church! We are all in this together to place the WORD OF GOD into the hands of EVERY person on the planet in EVERY language! 

In Him,

Andrew J. Belcher

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