Monday, September 28, 2015

Bible Translation

     Today I am beginning a blog as a way to keep my ministry team and, in reality, everyone interested more up to date in what is happening with Wycliffe Associates, global Bible translation and the work I am doing with them to reach the world with the Word of God.

     I’m not going to beat around the bush, it would be great to see more people on my prayer and financial support team so that the ministry I am on the front line of is able to be more effective and I am able to dedicate more and more time to getting the Bible in the heart languages of more people.

     Though this is true, my primary goal is to communicate in more quantity and quality the passion I have for the Word of God and it being in front of more eyes than ever before in the history of humanity! It is an overflowing exuberance, an unbeatable excitement. The Bible is literally the life giving breath of our God giving spiritual rejuvenation to the heart of those who read it.  

     Unfortunately, there are still over 3000 languages and people groups in the world that have absolutely ZERO access to this life giving book. This is a heart wrenching problem to me!  How we can, as Christians sit here buying Bible after Bible in different versions, formats, leather bound, hardbound, red letters, double column, single column, ad nauseam… when simultaneously there are thousands and thousands of people around the world who don’t even have the ability to read John 3:16 in their own language.  It seems un-Christ-like to me.  We have to do something!

     I answered a call a full 12 months ago and am continuing strong!  This call was from the Lord seeking fervently those who would devote themselves to helping get His Bible to these least-reached people around the world.  I said yes! I am on the front line of communicating with people and providing the most up to date, useful, and accurate tools and resources available so that the Bible can go forth with excellence and speed!

Please tirelessly pray for the Bible to go out into the entire world to reach more people for the kingdom! Pray also for me as I am working daily to make this a reality.

If you would like to join my partnership team and allow the Lord to use your generosity to impact the world with his Word, please visit:

Or send checks with my ministry account number M10826  ON A SEPARATE PAGE ATTACHED TO THE CHECK payable to: 

Wycliffe Associates 
11450 Translation Way
P.O.Box 620143
Orlando, FL 32862

     My  financial goal for the end of 2015 is only $900 in monthly donations. This seems like such an attainable number.  That is only 90 people giving $10/month.  or 45 people giving $20/month. Or 9 people giving $100/month.  Please pray to the Lord of this project as to how much he would like for you to commit to help The Bible become more accessible to his global church!  

     Thank you all so very much for all of the prayer and support you have already extended!  I love seeing the bride of Christ come together to support a ministry and cause so worthy of unity and action!  You are a blessing to me and to this ministry.  Your prayers and generosity are directly impacting souls with the scriptures. Keep up the great work team! 

In the name of him who saves, 

Andrew J. Belcher